Thank You Card

3 Top Reasons to Get a Handmade Card

Why to Get a Handmade Card

You might have been in the habit of sending out ecards or text messages on special occasions. Sending out letters or handmade cards may seem like a thing of the past, but they are still as relevant today as ever before. In the digital era, giving handmade cards can make someone feel extra special, and it is a feeling that no gifts can provide. Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider giving out handmade cards –

Make Someone Happy

Imagine you come back home one day and see an envelope in your mailbox. You open it and find a handmade card addressed to you. How are you going to feel? When you receive something as intimate and personal as a handmade card, you are bound to get excited. Taking the time to pick a handmade card and sending it shows the recipient you care and love them. When you send a handmade card, you make someone happy and smile. You are spreading joy and positivity that other gifts will fail to provide no matter how expensive.

Be Thoughtful

Have you ever been close to someone, but you do not make enough effort to get in touch with them with time? It is quite easy to send a text or send a message on social media, but that seems lazy or impersonal. If you want to be a little more thoughtful, you should make a card for them from scratch. If you do not get time for it, you can purchase a quality and stunning handmade card too.

If you have grandparents, when was the last time you did something special for them? They might not know how to use a smartphone, so the only way to communicate with them is to go to their house and meet them. Life can get busy, and you might not have enough time to go and meet them often. Sending handmade cards to them, let them know that they are not forgotten, and you are thinking of them.

Get Out of Awkward Situations

Your business is flourishing. You onboarded a new client and want to give them something special to welcome them. You do not know what to get them or what they like, but still want to make it heartfelt. Perhaps you are invited to a friend’s birthday party, but you do not know them very well. You want to go but do not know what to get him or her.

No matter the situation, a handmade card would be a perfect choice even when you do not know the person very well. It seems much more thoughtful than gifts that they might not like. You can even pair the handmade cards with other gifts such as flowers or chocolates to add something special.

People today are becoming disconnected. Even if you constantly stay in touch with your loved ones living far away using social media, how many times have you gotten distracted by some notification on your phone? Doing something extra such as picking handmade cards, allow you to be more intentional and thoughtful. It helps bridge the gaps and spread love.

If you want to make someone smile and be more thoughtful, check out some beautiful handmade cards at Katherine’s Crafts!


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